Robert Soliva took his BSc in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Barcelona (UB), finishing his studies in the UK. Later, he took his PhD on computational chemistry at the IRB-Institute of Research in Biomedicine. He worked in the Drug Discovery unit of Laboratorios Uriach/Palau Pharma for 11 years, during which he actively contributed to the development of several clinical candidates. Afterwards, he worked during 6 years at the IP law firm ZBM Patents&Trademarks. In 2016 co-founded the company Nostrum Biodiscovery, the first spin off of the BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and IRB, where he acted first as CSO and then CSO/CEO. He later took on the role of Head of Drug Discovery for Oryzon Genomics. He is currently Principal Data Scientist at the R+D Data Science Dpt. of Almirall.