Clinical Saturday

Sonja Ständer

Title: The Science of Scratching: Insights into Itch Perception and Relief
Date: 7 September 2024
Time: 10:00-11:30


Sonja Ständer is a professor of Dermatology and Neurodermatology at the University of Münster and head of the interdisciplinary Center for Chronic Pruritus (KCP) at the University Hospital Münster.

In 2001, she received her board certification in dermatology, allergology and phlebology. Following this, she remained at its Department of Dermatology as an IZKF-funded research fellow.

In 2006, she became board certified in dermatopathology after training in Münster and at the Ackerman Academy in New York. Shortly after completing her habilitation, she established the interdisciplinary Center for Chronic Pruritus (KCP) and  played a leading role in the foundation of the first international and national societies for itch.

In 2011, Prof. Ständer obtained the title of professor of dermatology (W3) from the University of Münster and dedicated herself to translational neurodermatology and pruritus research, becoming the leader worldwide for this field. Her research group has received several recognized research grants, including from the DFG, BMBF, IZKF and BMWi. The University of Wroclaw, Poland, awarded her with a doctor honoris causa title in 2015 for her research efforts.
